Friday, November 7, 2008

Energised And Refreshed


Alhamdulillahillazhi hadaana lihazha wama qunnalinah tadiya lawla an hadaanallah,Alhamdulillahi 'ala ni'matil islam, wakafaafi hazhani'mah,saw mubarakah 'alaih wa'ala alaih, Alamdulillah.

Alhamdulillah, thank You Allah for the wonderful n blessed journey of life,I'm now energised and refreshed to face the upcoming challenges and tests of life. Thank You Allah for meeting me with my ikhwanz wa akhawatufillahil kiram.

Alhamdulillah, the retreat was great.The theme for this years retreat was "ITQAN" which means leadership and its also an acronym for Integrity, Teamwork, Quwwah, Ambassador and New Age. Meeting new brothers and sisters from different mosques and all walsk of life, yet we struggle and worked as a team thruout the whole retreat, sharing, helping and guiding each other under one roof. And the tears we shed thruout the whole retreat will be our winess in front of Allah that we have really meet bcos of Allah, wanting to strengthen our ukhuwwahz and mahabbahz.Credits to all the Ydo's and Youth leaders from individual mosques that has make an effort to leave our work, leave our am, leave our school just to refresh ourselves in help bringing the ummah and youthss of Singapore back to one and true path and appreciating Islam better.

The 3 days retreat was more like a holiday for us, though we had ITQAN Plus course, its really a soul therapy. the course ws conducted by UTM's Tafsir Lecturer, Prof Madya Dr Ustaz Hasanuddin. So to say, the course is like a combination of Adam Khoo's And Esq training. We really had a great time brainstorming and presenting our inputs with everyone. To my roomates, Ustaz Effendi(Ydo Masjid An Nahdah), Ustaz Fairoz(Ydo Masjid Wak Tanjong) and Akh Adam(Youth Leader Masjid Wak Tanjong). To my team mates, Ustaz F.Dzaki(Ydc Masjid Khair), Ustaz Fuad(Youth Leaer Masjid Hasanah), Ustaz Hafiz(Ydo Masjid As syafa'ah), Akh Fendi(Youth Leader Masjid Darul Ghufran), Akh ahmad Khusairy(Ydo Masjid Darul Ghufran), Akh Sofyan Yadi(Ydo Masjid Mydin), Uhkti Yda(Youth Leader Masjid Sultan), Ukhti Hidayah(Youth leader Masjid Darul Aman) and lastly Akh Muhammad Selamat(Tholib Darul Rubat Hadramaut).

Thank you all for the wonderful support and prayers. We shall keep in touch be it thru emails, Facebook, Friendster, Blogs and events. We shall meet i less then six months time for our camp yea. Remember guys our pledgeof allegiance:

Belia yang beriqan berteraskan Al quran serta akhlaq Rasulullah, sebagai pemangkin pembangunan masyarakat menerusi institusi masjid belia mesra.

And the da'wah strategy that we use from Nabi Yusuf:

قُلْ هَـذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللّهِ عَلَى بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَاْ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي

You (O Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) tell them clearly: "That my way is that I invite (you all) towards Allâh -- I am also myself seeing my way in full light and as well as my companions'

Insyallah the pics will be in by next week, insyallah I'll share more and may u all benefit from it. furthrmore, we hve itqan modules in singapore by few mosques,sign up for them yea.

And Im into live journal too. Will share wif u guys soon too.

Wa'afwaminkum. Wassalam.

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