Tuesday, November 25, 2008

All the best peeps!


Alhamdulillah, wassolatu wassalamu 'ala Rasulillah, wa'ala alihi wasohbihi waman waalaa, 'Amma ba'du.

Alhamdulillah,its the 7th week of school and Allah has showered us with loads of knowledge that Insyallah will benefit us fiddunya wal akhirat....ciri2 seseorang telah mendapat hidayah dari Allah adalah telah manfaat ilmunya bukan hanya kepaatas dirinya tetapi kepada orang lain juga. May all of us be amongst those that Allah has given Taufiq ad Hidayah, insyallah ameen.

I wanna congratulate my cohort friends upon completion of their A levels. Congratulations to all those who have completed their o levels. May Allah bless you all with the biggest sucess ameen.

To all my besties and classmates, next wk common test kan? All the best guys, Insyallah akan berjaya punya. Yakin....Yakin...Yakin....atas berkat nawaitu hasanah dan usaha gigih serta berdoa kepada Allah serta tawakkal untuk kejayaan antum. Loads of assignments too yea....do it all well guyz.Bittaufiq

Barakallahufeekum wa afwaminkum.


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