Saturday, November 1, 2008

Muis Youth Retreat Strategic Planning Camp 2008


Alhamdulillah,wassolatu wassalamu'ala rasulillah, wa'ala alihi wasohbihi waman walaa,'amma ba'du.

Alhamdulillah, Syawal has passed and we've moved into Zulqaedah. Soon, we're gonna meet Muharram, anew start for 1430 Hijrah. Lets start planning the future and pray hard that it will be a full of hikmah journey of life, insyallah ameen.

Well, i'm gonna be away from tmr till wed for a Youth Retreat Strategic Planning Camp organized by Muis in collaboration with few other mosque youth organizations.Me n Ustaz Dzaki will be representing Al Khair insyallah. Dengan ini, we seek your prayers for our safety serta kejayaan kami semasa di sana.

And to NYPMS,i really cant wait for the tilawathon. I can forsee it coming out to be great, Insyallah Ameen.

Barakallahufeek.Wa 'afwaminkum.


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