Sunday, August 8, 2010



Alhamdulillah, at last its almost the end of Semester 5!! And it's been a long time sicne i updated my blog.

Alhamdulillah, life has been a great journey full of Hikmahs. Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar!!! After 5 semesters in poly has really opened my eyes and heart.

Alhamdulillah, Ramadan is just in 48 hours!!!!!!!!! I really can't wait for Ramadan. Ya Allah, I seek from You Ya Allah with Your Graciousness to make this Ramadan another meaningful one for me. I really need You Ya Allah. I really want You Ya Allah. I really miss You Ya Allah. Ya Allah....=(

I can't wait to leave for China on tuesday morning Insyallah. My 2nd time experiencing fasting month in another country. I seek your prayers may the journey be a smooth aand fruitful one Insyallah.

Till then, to all I seek forgiveness if any of my words or actions have hurt you in any ways. I pray may thi Ramadan be a meanngful one for us all Insyallah. I remind myself that this month is t month that Allah showers His biggest blessings, His biggest mercy and His biggest Graciousness. Lets take this opportunity to foster stronger relationship with Allah swt.

I remind myself too that I really need Allah. I really want Him. I really miss Him...Ya Allah!!!!

Ramadan Mabrook 'alaikum wa ahlukum!!!

Marhaban Ya Shahru Ramadan
Marhaban Shahru 'Ibadah
Marhaban Ya Shahru Ramadan
Marhaban Shahru Sa'adah

Wassalam!!! =)

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