Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cakap Pasal Remaja Season Finale


Alhamdulillah, wassolat wassalamu'ala rasulillah, wa'ala alihi wasohbihi waman waalaa, 'amma ba'du.

Alhamdulillah, the season finale for"Cakap Pasal Remaja" was held at Masjid sultan just now after asar till maghrib. Well,me aends(nypms) had a great time. And I was soooooooooooooo happy to meet all Retreat 2008 members tadi. I truly miss you guys...Bro Zul...Ustaz Ahmad Khusairy...Ustaz Darwis....Ustaz Fairoz....Ustaz Sofyan Yadi....Ustaz Izhar and Ustaz-Ustaz lain yang sewaktu dengannyer. thank you hamba Allah for the smile and wave too!

This season finale's theme was "One God One Ummah" all elaborated by Ustaz Sofyan Yadi, Ustaz Syakir and Ustaz Amin! Hope to have more cpr's in the upcoming year, insyallah.

Lastly to my Nypms members, Thank you very much kerana sudi go with us. Having dinner and the walk at Bugis Junction was great too. Cya guys this Sat for post mortem.

Here's few pictures of just nows event.

Nur Ikhwan(Tpms)

And this song was sang by Ustaz Sofyan which really touched my heart but i controlled myself! Happy listening to it, close your eyes while listening, imagine the lyrics...and i can rest assured you'll value your family more!

Have fun...Afwaminkum


1 comment:

Eruantale said...

Assalamualaikum bro Asyraf, finally I remember where have I met you before this.... Pat CPR @ Mjd Sultan earlier this year rupernyer... I was with the NI gang and you were with NYPMSN for the late dinner. MasyaAllah... May Allah cross our paths again in future